Our Courses

View our course catalog to learn more about our comprehensive range of professional development opportunities. Here, you can explore detailed course descriptions, discover micro-credential pathways, and find courses tailored to meet your continuing education needs. Whether you are seeking to renew a license, earn CEUs, or pursue specialized credentials, our catalog provides all the information you need to make informed decisions about your professional learning journey.

Project MOMENTUM Course Catalog

Applying the WIDA ELD Standards Framework to Content Areas

The purpose of this course is to guide educators in applying the WIDA ELD Standards Framework to content-area instruction through a collaborative planning process. This process will help you ensure a consistent focus on language across a unit of study. Disclaimer: This course has not been created, reviewed, or endorsed by WIDA.

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 4 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Note: If you have previously taken our archived micro-credential course, “Integrating Language and Content for Multilingual Learner Success,” you will have completed the content in this course.

Assessing and Supporting Language Development with WIDA Tools

In this course, you will learn to interpret WIDA English Language Proficiency scores to inform instruction and support for multilingual learners through various proficiency level descriptor resources published by WIDA. Furthermore, you will practice using WIDA’s speaking and writing interpretive rubrics as a classroom-based assessment instrument for assessing productive language. 

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 2 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Note: While this course was developed by experts in the field of multilingual education who have experience implementing the WIDA English Language Development Standards and using WIDA resources in K-12 classrooms, please note that this course has not been reviewed or endorsed by WIDA.

Assessment Accommodations for Multilingual Learners

In this course, you will develop an understanding of the complexities and nuances involved in assessing multilingual learners. Through a comprehensive exploration of various assessment methods, including standardized tests, district-level assessments, and classroom-based assessments, you will learn to differentiate between language ability and content knowledge during assessment. You will explore strategies for differentiating assessments to meet diverse linguistic and learning needs, incorporating elements such as student voice and choice, collaboration, and multimodal opportunities. Emphasizing equity and inclusivity, this course highlights the importance of considering students' diverse linguistic backgrounds and providing accommodations to ensure fair evaluation.

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 5 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Collaboration and Co-Teaching for Multilingual Learners

In this course, educators will engage with activities and resources to build the knowledge and skills necessary to foster effective collaboration among colleagues. Participants will explore collaboration as an interdisciplinary approach, detailing the cyclical process of co-planning, co-teaching, co-assessing, and co-reflecting.

The course connects to WIDA's big idea of Collaboration Among Stakeholders. 

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 5 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Culturally Responsive Communication in the Classroom

This course explores the impact of social and cultural factors on classroom communication. You will analyze how these factors influence interactions, reflect on how your own cultural beliefs shape your expectations, and discover practices and strategies for fostering culturally responsive communication in educational settings.

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 2 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Culturally Responsive School, Family, and Community Partnerships

Culturally Responsive School, Family, and Community Partnerships is a self-paced, fully online CEU course that aims to prepare educators to foster and enhance inclusive and effective community engagement practices, particularly to strengthen relationships with multilingual families and community members.


The course connects to WIDA's big idea of Collaboration Among Stakeholders. 


Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 3 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Effective Lesson Planning with Language and Content Objectives

In this course, educators will develop their ability to meet the language needs of multilingual learners in content-area instruction by scaffolding daily lessons. You will explore high-quality examples of teaching techniques that support the development of both language skills and content knowledge, practice writing content and language objectives aligned to standards, and explore multiple examples demonstrating various approaches to attending to language in daily lesson planning.

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 4 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Note: If you have previously taken our archived micro-credential course, “Integrating Language and Content for Multilingual Learner Success,” you will have completed the content in this course.

Evidence-Based Literacy for Multilingual Learners: Implications of the Minnesota READ Act

This course supports educators in interpreting Minnesota’s READ Act in relation to multilingual learners and implementing culturally responsive literacy instruction.

The course connects to WIDA's big idea of A Functional Approach to Language Development.

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 2 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Genre-Based Pedagogy in the Elementary Classroom: Empowering Young Writers

This course provides practical strategies for teaching students to write across various genres, including personal narratives, information reports, and arguments. You will also be introduced to the Teaching and Learning Cycle as a framework for implementing genre-based pedagogy. Through this course, you will learn to analyze and teach the specific language features of each genre, equipping your students with the tools they need to become confident, versatile writers.

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 2 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Incorporating Linguistic Supports as an Education Support Professional

This course for Paraprofessionals/Education Support Professionals (ESPs) is designed to leverage your interactions and time spent supporting multilingual learners.

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 2 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Language & Literacy for Experienced (Long-term) Multilingual Learners

In this course, you will explore the unique literacy needs of students who are experienced multilingual learners, meaning they have been administratively identified as English learners for more than five years. These students are sometimes referred to as Long Term English Learners (LTEL). This course will introduce you to scenarios and tools to address the particular strengths and needs of these learners. 

The course connects to WIDA's big ideas of Equity of Opportunity and Access and A Functional Approach to Language Development.

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 2 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Note: If you have previously taken our archived micro-credential course, “Multimodal Language & Literacy,” you will have completed the content in this course.

Language & Literacy for Recently Arrived English Learners & SLIFE

In this course, you will explore the unique literacy needs of students who are newcomers. These students are sometimes referred to as Recently Arrived English Learners (RAEL), and can include students with highly developed, age-appropriate literacy in their home language(s), as well as students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE). Each student has a unique profile of experiences, both in and out of school. These experiences provide the foundation on which we can build literacy experiences in English. This course will introduce you to scenarios and tools to address the unique strengths and needs of students who are new to the U.S. school system.

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 2 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Note: If you have previously taken our archived micro-credential course, “Multimodal Language & Literacy,” you will have completed the content in this course.

Language Access for Multilingual Families

Language Access for Multilingual Families is a self-paced, fully online CEU course that provides a comprehensive overview of schools' legal obligations regarding meaningful communication with multilingual families. Participants will explore various tools and resources for providing language access and will develop a customized language access plan for their classroom or school.


Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 2 Continuing Education Clock Hours. 

Learning in a Sociocultural Context

This course examines how sociocultural factors shape learning experiences and highlights the diverse strengths multilingual learners bring to the classroom. You will explore the interplay between linguistic resources and power dynamics, and learn to identify values and practices that promote linguistic and cultural pluralism. Additionally, the course addresses ways institutions can support and reflect these inclusive values.


Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 2 Continuing Education Clock Hours. 

Multilingual Development

In this course, you will explore scientific explanations behind how languages are acquired. You will learn about the processes involved in language learning, including developmental sequences and common over-generalizations. You will investigate the various factors that impact multilingual development and second language acquisition, such as age of onset, affective factors, context, and input. Additionally, you will compare and contrast the cognitive and linguistic profiles of monolinguals and bilinguals, discovering the unique advantages of multilingualism. This course is perfect for educators and language enthusiasts seeking a deeper understanding of language learning.


Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 2 Continuing Education Clock Hours. 

Note: If you have previously taken our archived micro-credential course, “Building a Foundational Understanding of Literacy,” you will have completed the content in this course.

Multilingual Learners in Early Childhood Education

This course aims to equip educators with the knowledge and skills needed to make research-based choices to support multilingual learners in early childhood education (ECE) programs.

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 4 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

This course is open to all interested educators and assumes knowledge of the K-12 classroom setting. This course is recommended for administrators, early childhood education teachers, ESL licensed teachers, program coordinators, and support personnel who serve young learners, ages birth-5 years who are developing two or more languages at home and/or school.

Scaffolding Content Lessons for Multilingual Learners

This course highlights the importance of instruction that is both accessible and engaging for students across a range of English language development and from diverse backgrounds. In order to provide access to grade-level content and instruction, teachers must ensure that students are able to understand what is being presented in the classroom, as well as fully participate in classroom activities. To promote language and content development, instruction must not only be comprehensible to students, but also engaging and relevant. This course will provide examples of ways to increase comprehensibility and engagement for multilingual learners.

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 3 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

This course is open to all interested educators and assumes knowledge of the K-12 classroom setting. This course is recommended for classroom and content teachers and multilingual learner program teachers. A facilitator guide is included for those wishing to lead group PD using this course.

Note: If you have previously taken our archived micro-credential course, “Differentiation for Multilingual Learners,”  you will have completed the content in this course.

Supporting Academic Language in the Classroom

This course addresses the unique challenges and opportunities multilingual learners face in content classrooms. You will learn to identify the language demands of grade-level materials and design instruction that integrates various language domains, providing a supportive environment for all learners to hear and use academic language in authentic and engaging contexts.

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 2 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Understanding WIDA Proficiency Levels

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 3 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Note: If you have previously taken our archived micro-credential course, “Differentiation for Multilingual Learners,”  you will have completed the content in this course.

Who are Multilingual Learners in U.S. Schools?

This course offers a comprehensive overview of Minnesota’s multilingual learner population. Participants will define key terms related to multilingual students and the programs that support them, explore demographic trends within Minnesota’s multilingual learner community, and gain insights into the essential components and types of multilingual learner programming. By the end of the course, participants will have a deeper understanding of the multilingual landscape in Minnesota and the educational strategies designed to serve this diverse group.

Completion of this course will result in a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting 3 Continuing Education Clock Hours.

Note: If you have previously taken our archived micro-credential course, “Building a Foundational Understanding of Multilingualism,” you will have completed the content in this course.

Certificate of completion

How do I get my completion certificate?

After completing one of our CEU courses, you will receive a certificate from the Southeast Service Cooperative documenting continuing education hours. Your certificate will be available for download within the Proserva system after completing the course and post-course survey. Make sure you have viewed/completed each of the three "lessons" in the course, including:

Note: Educators in Michigan should fill out the E-Learning SCECH Credit Request and upload their certificate to receive state-sponsored State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs).

Looking for another course for your school or district? 

Contact us to discuss personalized learning options.